Blow The Man Down
I am still looking for the bawdy version of this one....
As I was a-walking down Paradise street
                       F       G
To me way, Hay, blow the man down

A pretty young damsel I chanced for to meet
                              G7       C
Give me some time to blow the man down

Blow the man down, bullies, blow the man down,
                         F       G
Heave away, hay, blow the man down.

Blow the man down, bullies, blow the man down,
                                 G7         C
Oh, give us some time to blow the man down.

She was round in the counter & bluff in the bow
So I took in all sail & cried "Way enough now!"

I hailed her in English, she answered me clear
"I'm from the Black Arrow, bound to the Shakespeare"

She says to me "Will you stand treat?"
"Delighted" says I "for a charmer so sweet"

So I tailed her my flipper and took her in tow
And yardarm to yardarm, away we did go

I bought her a two shilling dinner in town
And trinkets and laces and bonnet and gown

We walked and we talked and her name it was Gwen
I kissed her a couple and kissed her again

I says "Will you marry a seafaring man?"
She says "I'll ask Mother to see if I can."

Along comes a sailor, they call him Half Ton
He says to her "Mother" she murmers "My son"

She says to him "Son, here is your new dadee"
But I says "I'm bound for the rolling sea"

Alternate Verses (should come after “tailed her my flipper…)

It was up in her quarters she piped me aboard
And there on her bed I cut loose with my sword

Ah, but just as my cutter was forging ahead
She shouted, "My husband!" & jumped out of bed

He was seven feet tall, had a chest like a horse
A straight for my jawbone he plotted his course

He loosened my rigging, he kicked in my stays
I flew down the stairs like a ship on the ways

I chanced on a packet that happened on by
And when I awoke I was bound for Shanghai

So come all you young laddies that follow the sea
Don't never take heed of what pretty girls say.

Alternate Version

A ship was becalmed on a tropical sea.
Away, away, blow the man down,
For three long weeks no wind had she.
Oh, give us some time to blow the man down,

The wheel had been lashed; all the crew were asleep.
The skipper stood watch & did the deck keep

Her canvas hung limply from not being fed.
Had no strength to carry the vessel ahead.

The skipper leaned over the poop after-rail.
He wished that a fair wind was filling his sail.

He prayed to King Neptune, the ruler of seas.
He prayed to King Neptune to send him a breeze.

A porpoise appeared with a kink in his tail.
He looked at the skipper and winked at the sail,

It then disappeared and a whale took his place.
It spouted and seerned to be eager to race.

The flying fish soared as though offering aid.
The skipper believed, & was glad he had prayed.

The Captain could hardly his senses believe.
Such an answer so soon he'd not thought to receive.

But he aroused and called all hands on deck.
For on the horizon appeared a black speck.

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