Dreamspinners Guild  - The Performing Guild
of the High Fantasy Society

Greetings and Salutations!  Welcome to our Hall.
Pull up a chair and pour yourself a bit of libation
and enjoy the entertainment...

Our Guild represents the Performing Arts in the High Fantasy Society.  We are bards and harpers, musicians, storytellers, dancers, pipers and whatever else our Muses lead us to do.    If you are a member of HFS and would like to participate in this Guild, email the Guildmistress at her NEW address siobhan1@ev1.net

6/5/2000  New songs are being posted and info updated!

Who we are:

Siobhan the Bard
Dame Margol
Sir Tirus Bearclaw
Baron Admael L'Engellan
Mother Abbess Bernadette

Barad Duin
Jamie Kyrin McNeely
Sir Rory Darkmoon
Oznog - Barad Duin
Baron Kodesh
Ealasid  Glic
ProConsul Sir Tiberius Augustus (also of the Celestial Kingdom)

Silver Spire
Sir Davin

Lady Seraphine
Squire Kea Shekina Windwalker

Upcoming Events

HFS Calendar of Events
Kingdom of Challain Mid Reign   Nov. 12-14, 1999
Interkingdom BBQ  Nov 19-21
Kingdom of Drandmir Cast of Characters  Dec 4-6Celtic Music Association Calendar of Events


Siobhan's Bard Book
Mudcat Cafe - Digital Tradition
Folksongs of England, Scotland, Ireland & Wales
Taylor's Tunebook
Richard Robinson's Tunebook
Aeruin's Refuge Songbook  (for gaelic songs)
SCA Minstrel Page
 Medieval Melodies for Filking
 The Black Book of Locksley
 Rowanhold Bardic Circle
 The Traditional Ballad Index
 Over 6,000 Folksongs with melodies
 Irish Ballads


Chip & Fipple  Whistle Pages
The Autoharp Page
Chord Information
Locksley's EZ Harp Method  Also  pre 1650 Guitar & unusual instruments
The Recorder Home Page
The Flow - Traditional Irish Flute pages
The Bodhran Page - from Ceolas, about the round irish drum
The Hammered Dulcimer Page
The Java Guitar Scale Applet - cool site for figuring scales on a guitar
Fiddle Net - Info and links for fiddlers
The Lute pages
Instrument Builders Pages - Mostly to make your own whistles

Some Band and Performing Artist Pages

 The Corsairs   a capella Pirates; regulars at Texas faires
 Bedlam Bards   Cedric, Hawk and Lili - traditionals and bawdies
 Ravens   Excellent celtic/folk band
 The Black Bard  Rathflaed du Noir of Meridies, who wrote Queen of All Elfhame
 Mikail the Ram  The bard who penned Loki's Song
 Celi's Muse
 Six Mile Bridge  Celtic music that rocks
 Mercedes Lackey
 Zoe Alexander   Solo folk performer from Houston
 Lorenna McKennitt

Stories & Poetry & Historical Info

Books and Stories by Mercedes Lackey (commercial site)
 Poetry of Robert Burns
 Jacobite Information
 Scottish History
A Treasury of Alliterative and Accentual Poetry - with exerpts from Sir Gawain & the Green Knight, Beowulf and others
Shakespearean Insult Generator - because  they come in handy...
Create your own Irish Curse- cute... and possibly useful...  hmmm
Focal an Lae - Irish Language Resources   Very Good
Beginners Guide to Irish Gaelic Pronounciation - Excellent information
Horse & Lightening - A wonderful celtic tale written by Teresa Hawkes
English Renaissance Reenactment - St. Michael's Guild...  Excellent info!
Sir Clisto Seversword - Wide range of information here

 SCA Main Page
Renaissance Dance cheat sheets from the SCA.
General Dance and music archive...
The English Dancing Master - a project to enter Playfords First Edition (1651) with keys to the different steps and midi files of the music
A Brief Overview of Irish Dance

Minstrel Resources

Lark in the Morning Catalog
Musicmaker's Kits
Andy's Front Hall
 Gaelic Pronounciation Key
 Green Linnet Records
 The Music Room
 Firebird Arts Catalog
 Music Boulevard Online Catalog
 Green Linnet MP3's of celtic and folk songs

High Fantasy Society

HFS Information Depot
NEW! The Crossroads Tavern   Website for the #hfs channel on Undernet
Kingdom of Barad-Duin  (Austin, Tx)
       Sir Sinjen's Keep
Kingdom of Darkjesteria (Austin, Tx)
Kingdom of Challain  (Plano, Tx)
Kingdom of Bhurtok  (Carrollton, Tx)
City State of Drandmir  (Georgetown, Tx.)
    House Impossible Page
Kingdom of Silver Spire  (McAllen, Tx)
City State of Serata (Willis, Tx)

The Guild has had41933visitors.