A Drop of Nelson’s Blood  (Roll the Old Chariot Along)
The tune is similar to Way Hay and Up She Rises  (Use the same chords)  Notes: You can use any combination of verse suggestions below, or make up your own. These are a compilation of verses from three different versions of the same song.

Oh, a drop of Nelson's blood wouldn't do us any harm (3x)
And we'll all hang on behind.

So we'll roll the old chariot along
An' we'll roll the golden chariot along.
So we'll roll the old chariot along
An' we'll all hang on behind!

Oh, a little mug o' beer wouldn't do us any harm etc.

Oh, a plate of Irish stew wouldn't do us any harm etc.

Oh a little slug of gin wouldn't do us any harm etc.

Oh a night upon the shore wouldn't do us any harm etc.

Oh a little drop of wine wouldn't do us any harm etc.

Oh, a nice fat cook wouldn't do us any harm etc.

Oh, a long spell in gaol wouldn't do us any harm etc.

Oh, a nice watch below wouldn't do us any harm etc.

Oh, a night with the gals wouldn't do us any harm etc.

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